

 Toxic Shock Syndrome after Suction Lipectomy.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery:Volume 106(1)July 2000 p204-207.
 Case Report
  A woman was admitted to our hospital 2 days after suction lipectomy. The patient had received aesthetic suction lipectomy of the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs during an office procedure by a cosmetic surgeon. On postoperative day 1, the patient contacted the cosmetic surgeon complaining of wound-related pain and was admitted to the cosmetic surgery hospital. On postoperative day 2, the patient was referred to the emergency department of our hospital.
 The patient was in toxic shock. Chest x-ray showed acute respiratory distress syndrome, which required intubation and controlled ventilation for 2 weeks and intensive medical treatment for about 1 month. Surgical debridement was repeated on hospital days 2 and 12, leaving open wounds covering 22 percent of the total body surface area. Signs of multiple organ failure resolved slowly, and desquamation of the skin on the palm was observed 18 days after suction lipectomy. The patient was transferred to a regular ward 29 days after admission, and her wounds were covered with a meshed autograft. The patient required intensive medical treatment for about 1 month and great effort to adapt herself psychologically after the illness.
 This report of toxic shock and necrotizing fasciitis after suction lipectomy is an important reminder that should alert all plastic surgeons of the potential dangers lurking in almost every routine case. I thank the authors not only for bringing this case to our attention, but also for outlining the superb postoperative care that saved this patient’s life.

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery,Vol.106p204,2000より引用

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